Ozecofy is sustainble product brand offering for Oceania market by OzFlavourz Pty Ltd.
Ozecofy is born out of strategic commitment to sustainability by Ozflavourz. The business is
founded by two friends with sole objective of exporting health food and importing sustainable packaging products for
local customers in Melbourne.
The local market is currently transorming to sustainble food packaging especially within hospitality sectors due to regulatory changes. The recent ban on plastic straws and plastic bags has made it challenging for small to medium business to find affordable and reliable alternatives. In addition, the business owners are often required to maintain high inventory of stock items to deal with uncertainity with supply chain and volatile pricing. The latter is further escalated due to minimum order quantity for custom order or special pricing. These challenges are key hurdles to many business owners restricting adoption of eco-friendy sustainable products. The qualtiy of products should be consistent so a unique customer experience is offered continously.
To address above mentioned challenges, Ozecofy was founded with single focus of providing affordable high quality products to the market. After 18 months of trial and error, Ozflavourz found reliable partner in
the form of Pappco to address the need of Australian customer and provide consistent
product quality, product design and sustainable innovation.
Ozecofy and Pappco are committed to strategically collaborate to service customers in
Australia with sustainable innovative products to meet the growing demand and changing
legislation. Together, companies are capable to undertake product design, product
development and wholesale supply to large and small businesses.
Ozecofy is sole distributor of Pappco product range in Oceania market. The patented straw under brand name Tera are available for purchase and in stock by Ozecofy in Australia. These straws are made out of paper and are strong performer against other similar product in the market.
We are family owned business in Australia and look forward to make our community stronger by creating sustainable future.